Acquisition technology

Identify and valorize technologies to answer specific challenges

CIDCO is exploring methods and tools to facilitate acquisition logistics in both traditional and non-traditional settings (eg river rapids, shallow waters). The range of acquisition methods grown each year. Each of them possesses its strengths and weaknesses. CIDCO seeks to identify and valorize certain technologies to respond to specific issues. The solutions developed by CIDCO generally aim to reduce acquisition costs in order to make them compatible with the technical and financial resources of SMEs. Endeavours include:

  • Development of pre-qualified platforms
  • Valorisation of bathymetric LiDAR data
  • Satellite and aerial bathymetry

Some examples of related projects:



Entirely developed by CIDCO, the HydroBall® buoy is a standalone bathymetric data acquisition solution that is particularly effective in non-traditional environments (river, canyon, reservoir, ultra-coastal zone, remote region). It is a pre-qualified survey system that ensures ease of use without compromising data quality. The HydroBall® has three main sensors on board: a GNSS L1 / L2 receiver, a mini inertial unit and a single beam sounder.

Learn more about l'HydroBall




Towed Hydrographic Survey Platform

The CIDCO towed Hydrographic Survey Platform forms a semi-submersible system composed of 5 main parts: 2 floats, 2 masts hosting the GNSS antennas and a "hydropode" equipped with a compact MBES (Norbit, Reson SeaBat T20P, R2Sonic 2020). Once assembled, the platform is calibrated in the laboratory thanks to a total station. Towed behind any boat available on the site, this platform greatly simplifies and accelerates the deployment of compact MBES for opportunistic surveys in remote areas. A new phase of prototyping began in 2019.