Guillaume Labbé-Morissette

Guillaume Labbé-Morissette

Guillaume Labbe-Morissette is the leader of the research and development team at CIDCO. Holding degrees in mathematics from the University of Montreal and in software engineering from the University of Quebec at Montreal, he brings over 15 years of experience in managing and developing software solutions focused on operational research in the medical, logistics, manufacturing, commercial, and scientific sectors.

Alain St-Pierre

Alain St-Pierre

Alain St-Pierre is captain of the hydrographic vessel F.J. Saucier

Mohamed-Ali Chouaer

Mohamed-Ali Chouaer

A geomatics engineer, Mohamed-Ali Chouaer also holds a Master's degree in Geomatics from Laval University and serves as a Project and Training Director at CIDCO. With over ten years of experience in geomatics and hydrography, Mr. Chouaer has accumulated substantial expertise in managing hydrographic projects and overseeing the CIDCO training program in hydrographic surveying.

Jean Laflamme

Jean Laflamme

With over twenty years of experience in international leadership positions, particularly in Latin America and Africa, Mr. Laflamme has held the position of General Manager at CIDCO since 2008.

His leadership brings a strategic vision and a commitment to innovation and sustainable development. Under his direction, CIDCO has established itself as a global leader in the field of hydrography and ocean mapping.

Ghislain Chouinard

Ghislain Chouinard

Ghislain Chouinard holds an M. Sc. from Mount Allison University and a B. Sc. (Biology) from the Université de Moncton. He was  a vice chair of the Advisory Committee (ACOM) at the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea from 2016 to 2021.

Denis Hains

Denis Hains

Denis Hains is the Founder and CEO of the company H2i; he is Affiliate Research Scientist with the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping of the University of New Hampshire (UNH-CCOM); He is the United States and Canada Hydroghraphic Commission representative on the International Hydrographic Review (IHR) Editorial Board, of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO); he is member of the Strategic Advisory Group of “The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project”; he is an External Advisor of “The Nippon Foundation, Ocean Frontier Mapping Committee”; and he is also me

Graduates of hydrographic training category B 2018-2019

This year, CIDCO has trained 6 new students in its course in hydrography category B. This online training of 8 months followed by 7 weeks of field project allows participants to obtain certification as a class B hydrographer recognized by the IHO.

More information on training: category B training

Colloque VECTEUR 2019


Opening of VECTOR 2019. Joint event organized by CIDCO, Center de géomatique du Québec and Quebec Marine Technopole


VECTOR is a unique opportunity for stakeholders in geomatics and hydrography to exchange and collaboratein various spheres of activity. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of conferences and activities. More information:

HydroBall training in Arviat (NU)

A collaborative bathymetry project (Crowd-sourcing) in Arviat, Nunavut, using HydroBall. This project is initiated by the Aqqiumavvik society with the collaboration of CIDCO and the Canadian Hydrographic Service.


CIDCO training

Hydrographic and LiDAR survey internation summer school

This international summer school provides participants with a unique multi disciplinary training experience, involving close interaction with high-level scientists, professional and stakeholders from the hydrographic and maritime fields in a cutting-edge technological context. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and develop their competencies through field experiments aboard hydrographic vessels equipped with various sensors.