Hydrospatial ?!
For several months now you have been hearing or reading a "new" term to talk about hydrography: HYDROSPATIAL.
But what is it? What does it mean? Why change a term? Why change the lexicon of hydrography?
To try to answer these questions, we propose you a review of press and articles dealing with the subject.
Enjoy reading and do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to discuss it.
- The international hydrographic review (english) - What is hydrospatial ? (D.Hains)
- Ontario Professional Surveyor (english) - What is hydrospatial ? (D.Hains)
- Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec (french) - Qu'est-ce que l'hydrospatial (D.Hains)
- Hydro-international (english) - How to use the term Hydrospatial ? (M. Jonas)
- LinkedIn IHO (english) - What do you think about the terms? (IHO)
- Hydro-international (english) - The Marine 2020s: Three Ambitious Global Projects (M.Jonas)
- The international hydrographic review (english) - Singapore’s national marine spatial data infrastructure “geospace-sea” (P. Y. Pang & P. Oei)
- Hydro-international (english) - Hydrospatial and the Marine Environment (R. Ponce)
- The international hydrographic review (english) - Multidimensional marine data: The next frontier for hydrographic offices (R. Ponce)