Mohamed-Ali Chouaer

Mohamed-Ali Chouaer
Project and Training director

An engineer by training, Mohamed-Ali Chouaer holds a master's degree in Geomatics from Laval University and serves as a marine geomatics specialist at CIDCO. With extensive experience in using GNSS positioning technologies for wave and tide measurement, as well as in characterizing marine habitats from bathymetric data (multibeam, LiDAR, SDB, etc.), he is the leader of the hydrography team at CIDCO.

As Project Director, Mr. Chouaer plans fieldwork and oversees the hydrographers in data acquisition and processing, ensuring smooth project execution. Additionally, as the training manager, he organizes and delivers several hydrography courses offered by CIDCO, including the Category-B hydrography course recognized by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO, Category B).

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