Partners Colloquium 2021

Thanks to our partners!



CHA is the only national hydrographic organization in Canada associated with the Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA).

We are a non-profit scientific and technical association of more than 200 members with the objectives of :

  • Advance the development of hydrography, marine cartography and related activities in Canada;
  • Enhance the knowledge and professional development of its members;
  • Promote and demonstrate the public need for hydrography;
  • To assist in the development of hydrographic sciences in developing countries.
  • To enable industry, educational institutions and others engaged and interested in hydrography and related sciences to meet, correspond and coordinate their efforts in the continuing development, promotion and improvement of these sciences.




Ocean Group is one of the main suppliers of integrated marine solutions in Canada and a leader in the Canadian maritime industry. Its range of marine services and can meet all types of needs including harbour towing, ship construction and repair, dredging, equipment rental or marine transportation. For over 45 years, we have been supporting our clients in building the marine world of tomorrow.






The Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec is pleased to contribute to
at the CIDCO 2021 Colloquium as a partner.

The OAGQ brings together all persons authorized to practice exclusively the profession of land surveyor in Quebec.
It currently has close to 1100 members. 

The Order ensures the protection of the public through professional inspection, continuing education and discipline.
It also determines the standards of practice and regulations governing the practice of the profession. 



EOMAP is the premier commercial provider, worldwide, of geospatial aquatic information derived from earth-orbiting, optical satellites. Pioneering the field of satellite-derived bathymetry and high-resolution water quality monitoring, EOMAP services rely on standardized physics-based models which are independent of scale, sensor type and geographic location. 


Our services are demonstrated in successful projects delivered throughout the globe at local to intercontinental scales. We also offer the added benefit of providing historical, continuous and/or long-term environmental information by harnessing and processing data through our satellite provider partnerships.

EOMAP is pleased to support CIDCO 2021 and looks forward to a successful conference.